Marisa Sanchez-Dunning


Hello! I am Marisa, the woman behind If Only Creative. We’re a chicana-owned creative studio based in the Bay Area, California focused on building + executing brand strategy, social media management + creating creative commercial photography for POC-owned purpose-driven brands.

I started If Only Creative to work with & create brands with the same values as I have: sustainability, equity, transparency, authenticity and quality. I dreamt If Only into a reality driven by a motivation to create a better world for creatives from all backgrounds, because the world would be enriched if it was able to see, feel, and experience various points of view, especially from those that are underrepresented.

With experience across different industries, agencies and countries, I have what it takes to help transform brands.

El Otro Lado

An annual dinner we host to reclaim and celebrate Cinco de Mayo in an authentic, genuine and groundbreaking way.

Get in touch.

Thinking of working with us, want to join the team, or simply say hello? Shoot us a note.